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Search Results & Inventory

Once you get results, you can use the filters at left to narrow down the results (for example, to see only hardcovers or only new releases). You can use the “Availability” filter to see only titles that are in stock. See below for a list of the inventory statuses that count as “Available.” You can also change the number of search results shown and choose a sort order.

Where relevant, inventory alerts will display in the search results. Here is a glossary of what these terms mean:

  • Managed Stock: All Items – This is a fast-moving title. In order to ensure access for as many customers as possible, the order for this ISBN/UPC will be reviewed by PRH before it ships, and it may be held for a period of time. Will be shown as Available in the filter.
  • Managed Stock: 12 Items [quantity can vary] – This is a fast-moving title. In order to ensure access for as many customers as possible, any orders of 12 units [quantity can vary] or more for this ISBN/UPC will be reviewed by PRH before it ships, and it may be held for a period of time. Will be shown as Available in the filter.
  • Low Stock – Inventory for this ISBN/UPC is currently low. Order quickly to avoid delays. Will be shown as Available in the filter.
  • Low Stock, Moving Quickly – Inventory for this ISBN/UPC is currently very low. Order quickly to avoid delays. Will be shown as Available in the filter.
  • Temporarily Out, Back Soon – This ISBN/UPC is currently out of stock, but should be back in stock within a week.
  • Temporarily Out of Stock -You can order this ISBN/UPC, but we don’t currently have an estimated delivery date. It will be backordered. Will be shown as Not Available in the filter.
  • On Sale Soon – This ISBN/UPC is an initial. It’s orderable but not yet on-sale. ISBNs/UPCs are in this category if there are 270 or fewer days before their on-sale date. This ISBN/UPC will be backordered. Will be shown as Not Available in the filter.
  • Restricted Market – This type of ISBN/UPC will be excluded from search results unless you search directly by ISBN/UPC. This ISBN/UPC is not available to your account type.
  • Out of Print – This type of ISBN/UPC will be excluded from search results unless you search directly by ISBN/UPC. This ISBN/UPC is out of print and not available.
  • Return Eligible – This denotes a UPC that is returnable for the Direct Market. Hover over the “Return eligible” tag to view the eligible return dates. Will change to “Past return date” when it is no longer within the returnable date range.

You can add an ISBN/UPC to your cart from search results or from the title detail page. (On the title detail page, the inventory alert is shown next to the price and the carton quantity is in the metadata next to the book cover.)

Title Detail Page

Once you’ve clicked through to an ISBN/UPC, you’ll see a title detail page with descriptive information about the book. If there are multiple formats available to order, you can toggle among those formats using the drop-down below the title and author information.

Direct Market customers will also be able to see a link to the catalog on this page. This can be used to navigate back to the catalog title list. FOC notification alerts will also be displayed here and will alert you to the number of days remaining to place your order.

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Reach out to customer service at any time via the below email address:

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For any inquiries regarding availability, orders, or accounts, you can contact Customer Service at:
